Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chairs and chairs and chairs

After complaining about how we needed new chairs, we ended up with TONS. This photo shows my Eames shell chairs just as they arrived.
Roxanne really enjoyed the box they came in.

Sadly, they are still sitting like that, but now in the basement. I did go and get the Penetrol, sandpaper and rags, but I just haven't had time to get started on them. And I didn't want to put them together only to have to take them apart again once I start shining them up all pretty. I have already started fantasizing about getting some dowel bases for them, but that dream will hold for a few years. That's what I love about these can plan for them "long term." So amazing.

The other chairs you see are these fantastic metal/wood/vinyl beauties my mom found for me at a thrift shop in Sandy Springs. I'm in love with them. And we have EIGHT! They make a nice stand-in for the Eames chairs until I get them fixed up, and they are extremely comfortable. I know my photos are oppressively dark, but using the flash is just embarrassing. It makes the images look somehow really seedy and maybe a little pervey. I just don't like it. OK, I'm breaking my rule. Here's a photo with flash just so you can see the chair better.
The metal on the legs and back is a coppery color, and absolutely gorgeous. They may not look it, but they are very heavy, and sturdy. They are stamped "1960" on the bottom. The best part? My mom paid $2.99 a chair. Seriously. Isn't that insane? I love my mom! The only part that makes me a little sad is that when she went back to the thrift store to pick up the last two of the set of 8 she got us, they had put out 14 more. So she asked, and they told her they had about 40 of them in the back. FORTY. You could seriously open an antique booth with that purchase. But after a lot of deliberation and back and forth between me and my mom, we decided my 8 were enough. The timing just isn't right. And of course, within the week, they were gone.
Here's my little chair tableau. I love them all.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, you. I love those $2.99 chairs.
