Sadly, they are still sitting like that, but now in the basement. I did go and get the Penetrol, sandpaper and rags, but I just haven't had time to get started on them. And I didn't want to put them together only to have to take them apart again once I start shining them up all pretty. I have already started fantasizing about getting some dowel bases for them, but that dream will hold for a few years. That's what I love about these can plan for them "long term." So amazing.
The other chairs you see are these fantastic metal/wood/vinyl beauties my mom found for me at a thrift shop in Sandy Springs. I'm in love with them. And we have EIGHT! They make a nice stand-in for the Eames chairs until I get them fixed up, and they are extremely comfortable. I know my photos are oppressively dark, but using the flash is just embarrassing. It makes the images look somehow really seedy and maybe a little pervey. I just don't like it. OK, I'm breaking my rule. Here's a photo with flash just so you can see the chair better.
Here's my little chair tableau. I love them all.
Well done, you. I love those $2.99 chairs.