Saturday, March 26, 2011
Sneak Peek
So, after asking around for recommendations, I found an upholsterer who gave me a great quote for recovering the rocking chair for the baby's new room (under $200!). We talked it over and decided to go for it. I'm sure that the quote might end up being a little lower than the end price, but I still think it seems very fair, and the upholsterer is extremely responsive, professional, and willing to come pick the chair up from my home. I searched some upholstery online sources (like the recommendation one of my lovely readers suggested, www.newtoto.com) and found some great options. But after thinking it over, I decided I wanted to try and find vintage fabric. Ebay was overwhelming, so I turned to Etsy. Etsy was overwhelming, too, but I was at least able to narrow it down more easily by search term. I found this fantastic fabric, but thought I'd just mark it as a favorite and keep looking. Five minutes later, I had a panic attack that someone might buy it while I shopped around, so I went ahead and got it! The upholsterer told me I need 3.5 yards, and there are 5 yards of this, so I'm hoping it will work. The fabric is also 43 1/2 inches wide, which seems more narrow than most modern upholstery fabric, but again, I'm hoping the extra yardage will make up for it. I'm also hoping the weight will be OK. This is described as thin, almost similar to linen, but I just love the bright color and the texture looks so pretty! I'm really excited, since this is the first time we've sprung for getting something upholstered, and I can't think of a better reason than a new baby.
Again, here's the chair in question. I wish the upholstery were in better shape. It really is neat.
Here's a sneak preview of the fabric. This is the listing photo from GiantFlea's etsy shop (which by the by, is full of neat vintage goodies. The fabric with shipping was a little more than I had been hoping to spend, but still under $60 (which is more than the price of the chair...). But I think the color is just gorgeous, and I'm happy to have found vintage fabric. So after all of the costs, I know it feels expensive, but to put it in reference to new mama/baby chairs, an upholstered glider runs around $400 on Craigslist, and about $600-$1200 new (of course, the sky is the limit with really fancy rockers and gliders). Wooden gliders with cushions start around $200 and run up to about $500. So getting a vintage rocker with the perfect shape for our design taste and built like a tank and having it redone with a fabric we choose, seems like a great deal for what I hope will end up being around $300. The upholsterer said to call him as soon as I get the fabric delivered, and he'll come and pick up the chair. He said once he has it he can give me a better idea about what they can/need to do for it. The estimate he gave me was based on photos. But like I said, hopefully it stays in the same ballpark as the end price... Either way, I'm so excited. This will likely be the only real "splurge" for the new baby's room, and it's something that gets a lot of mileage when you are nursing little ones, so I think it's a good place to spend a little extra. Also, it's totally going into our living room after the baby's done with it...

Friday, March 25, 2011
Roxanne's Room
OK, so I know that Roxanne's bedroom is not really a designer showcase, but we are just not one of those families that have few enough toys to make her room look like the pretty ones on ohdeedoh, etc. But we love it. And so does she. We've been wanting to get Roxanne a play table for a while, since she has so many tiny toys and dollhouses and they end up in weird jumbles in different corners of the house. Alas, even on Craigslist, the fancy play tables are super expensive and HUGE. Roxanne's tiny room won't accommodate the size, and our tiny budget won't accommodate the price. I felt like there HAD to be an IKEA something or other that we could use instead of a play table, but I just wasn't finding the right thing. Obviously, I've been checking thrift stores, but nothing has been coming along that was right, hence the IKEA move. I googled something along the lines of "IKEA play table hack" and found an adorable playroom with LACK side tables pushed together to make a play table. Sold! So a few weeks ago, we went to IKEA and bought 3 LACK tables (and some new, solid colored, less busy curtains) and some pink bins for underneath the tables. And it's a great change to her room! And since the LACK tables are around $10, it's OK if they don't last forever.
Here are the little tables. We went with the light blue, just to cool it on all the pink in there. And I'm in love with this green curtains. I think the pack of two panels is $10, if I'm not mistaken. And the pink bins (made to go in the Expedit shelving unit, but also fit perfectly under these tables) fit an amazing amount of stuffed animals. Trust me.
I know this bin storage unit is cluttery, but it really does help with little ones being able to see what is where. I have found (and I'm a nanny ya'll, I am with little monsters all day every day) that they play with stuff more if they can see it. They're also more likely to clean up if they can see where to put things...
I know that little red framed picture is way too close to the big one. I need to move it. Also, please excuse the insane amount of junk on Roxanne's dresser. Kids=insane amounts of junk.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I'm sorry. I realize these photos are horrifically dark. It's kind of an ugly day here in Decatur, and even with the flash, they were too dark. My only suggestion is to click and enlarge and that helps a bit. I guess waiting to take photos in better light would have been the better solution, but I'm just not very patient, and I've got TONS of reading to do. Tiny violins anyone?
We have added a couch (the gray one on the right). It fits that whole "Mr. Right Now" instead of "Mr. Right" rule. It's an Urban Outfitters Night and Day convertible bed and the rumors are true. It's not very comfortable, and feels cheap. However, it sure does look good, even though this one is quite worn and the price was right. I found it on Craigslist for $100, and it's normally $600 before shipping. If I paid anymore than that, it would be stupid, but for that price, we're all OK with it not being the most comfortable couch ever. We just wanted another landing spot in the living room. Not a chair, but something to lay on. This fits the bill in the looks and price department. Some day, we'll win the lottery and buy a sectional, but for now, this is pretty OK.
We moved the credenza under the window, which is actually pretty nice, and only slightly awkward because it's not centered under the window. But the dang arms on this brown couch are just so high that anything put under the window next to it looks weird because it gets blocked. I'm vaguely toying with the idea of trying to sell the brown couch and trying to save up to get a sectional. Justin is in agreement, but we also both understand the time and difficulty involved in trying to sell something on Craigslist... Plus, we'd want at least $500 for it because that's close to what we paid a friend for it, and new it's $1500. And it really is in pretty perfect shape. It's definitely the nicest piece of furniture we own, so I'm loathe to think of getting rid of it, but it just doesn't quite work in here! If we had a different house, I'd marry this couch, but as is, I'm just not sure what to do.
I put all of our magazines on this shelf. We love magazines... It's an addiction I think.
Here's the new couch. It is about 2 inches too big for this spot, but it's the least awkward place to put it of all of the myriad of awkward ways we tried to make it work.
So this is our living room at the moment. It's feeling pretty OK, and definitely offers better/more seating than before. Which is a big plus.
So this is our living room at the moment. It's feeling pretty OK, and definitely offers better/more seating than before. Which is a big plus.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
A New (Old) Chair
Ever since I found out I was pregnant with baby number 2, I've been obsessing about getting a new glider or rocking chair. I've combed Craigslist constantly and looked new, but everything is either too expensive or too granny. Today, on the way to my cousin's baby shower, my step-mom and I stopped at an antique mall out in the country. I should point out, we were early, so we didn't miss the baby shower for it. I'm not that bad... There was a consignment section of the antique mall, where the furniture was marked with a price, but for every month that the item had been there, it would marked down 10%. This chair was marked $85 but had been there for a full year, so I got it for a total of $45 (they max the discount out at 50% which I understand... I guess...). The chair has great bones, and while it's not a glider, or rocker, it kind of bounces. If you have your feet up on a short stool (which I now have to hunt out the perfect one) it rocks nicely. It has springs on the underside attached to the base.
You can see the legs need a little love, but they look they will clean up nicely when and if I get around to it. The upholstery is kind of on the icky side, but it's really not that bad. We can live with it until we win the lottery and get it re-upholstered.
Look at the profile! I've never seen such a modern looking granny chair!
Here's a close-up on one of the arms. The upholstery has kind of split from the staples, and I feel like the upholstery job on the chair overall is not great. But again, it's got good bones, and will be worth it to use as-is and eventually get it fixed up when we can afford it. It's not something that screams "BABY" so I think we could even have it in the living room once it's done with baby duty. I'm very excited though!
Here's a rough spot on the back. It looks like a cat got to it. For a few years... But face it to the back and it will be fine!
Speaking of backs, here it is! I wish I could do these upholstery jobs myself. I just don't know that I have the right skill-set or tools. If anyone has guesstimates on the price of getting a piece like this re-upholstered (or a good online DIY tutorial for me to follow along with and do it myself) I'm all ears! My dream fabric would be a bright happy Marimekko print. Budget-wise, we might try for some IKEA upholstery weight fabric.
Here's a close up of the fabric. I kind of love it, but it really is pretty worn, and like I said, I think it was kind of a cheapy job to start with. I plan to use orange in the baby's room (gender neutral, just like we need!) so I think it will work well.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My Mom's Fantastic Eye
So, my mom has been collecting vintage goodies for the past few months in the hopes of opening a booth sometime soon. She's got quite an inventory built up, and will hopefully start looking more into booth rental in the next few months. In the mean time, I asked if I could do a post about some of her goodies! These photos were taken by my step-dad, and show how she has styled different vignettes to display everything. Keep in mind, these are taken in the garage, but I think they look amazing! I already told her I'm going to sneak in once she opens her booth and buy some of my favorites. All of these finds were either thrifted or from estate sales. I'm pointing out which things I'm proud to have helped find, but almost everything was found by my mom and her fantastic taste. She has more than what is pictured, and I assure you it's all awesome. I'm putting in small photos, but you can click to enlarge.
Here's the "warm colors" set. This hutch was something I actually found on CL, and it was not listed in any way as being MCM or even vintage, I don't think. I called my mom and freaked out and told her to go get it. I think it was around $100, and it's in amazing condition. It's Drexel, and it actually lights up in the glass part. Gorgeous.
I love all of the autumn plates and the planter's clock together. I saw that planter's clock in the photos advertising an estate sale, and when my mom ended up going, she bought it. I think it's really cool. It tells you when to plant what.
I love this little bentwood chair. Especially the arms. It's in great condition.
This pillow/rocker is something I covet for our baby's new room, but my mom assures me that the rocker is really not very comfortable. I think maybe it's small. But I'm thinking toss a sheepskin in there and call it a day...? But don't worry, I'll get it fair and square once it hits the booth floor. I don't want any of those awkward, "stop taking all my inventory for free" situations. :)
Look at these colors! Love it!
I love this teapot, and sugar bowl. The water pitcher is so graceful.
Who could resist this little set? Here's what it looks like when the hutch is lit. It's like disco dishes. But more elegant.
The cool colors set! This table and chairs set folds, and is in amazing condition.
I love these glasses and carafes. I especially love the way she put them together like these. I think she's got a great eye for staging. Way way better than mine.
Don't these all look so pretty together?
I LOVE these little glasses.
And this china is so cool.
Is there anything not cool about this set? I love the lamps, and don't even get me started on that white stool.
I don't know how she knows so well that these glasses work well altogether and with the other things from this vignette, but it so does. I feel like all of her vignettes could just move into a room together and make that room perfect.
I love this color palette. And that print... Don't even get me started.
Yes, please. The louvered cabinet behind the wicker beauty is from an estate sale. At first, my mom and I were both convinced that someone had painted it. But after some research, it seems like it probably actually came in that color. I love the handles.
Last but not least, I think this looks like the cutest little "diner" vignette. That chair is darling.
Aren't these apple canisters adorable? I love the coffee tray back there, too.
Penguins. So cute.
I dream of someday having a kitchen big enough to display some cute metal canisters. I have an Everedy set that is awesome,but I love the look of these brushed metal ones, too.
OK, this is a special entry, and if anyone has any information about this piece, we'd both love to hear it. This is a gorgeous (and huge) watercolor. It's an original, and is signed (and has a watermark that we can't read).
Here's the signature (and the watermark is to the left). We thought maybe it was by Charles Hopkinson, but it looks to say "H.C. Hopkinson," which doesn't really match up with Charles. And when you look at other examples of Charles Hopkinson's signature, they don't really match up. Either way, it's a lovely painting.
Hope you enjoyed! And for the record, my mom reads my blog, so please feel free to tell her that she's wonderful! :)
Hope you enjoyed! And for the record, my mom reads my blog, so please feel free to tell her that she's wonderful! :)
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