This is the very first piece of Roxanne's very first vintage collection. With my mom's help, I decided that she would love collecting vintage Josef Original animals. They were made for quite a while, and there is a range of styles. The later ones are flocked, and adorable, but I decided these earlier ones that have a shine to them are slightly more vintage looking and less cheapy. My grandmother gave her this dog and the kitty pictured below. I found both on Etsy and the sellers were both WONDERFUL.

My mom got Roxanne a glass display shelf that I plan to hang in her room to put these little guys in. We just got her new twin bed set up, so everything is off the walls and ready to be re-worked. Her room gives me grief because it is just so little and so crammed full of stuff. But so it goes with little ones. The important part is that it's cheerful and she loves it. As she gets older, we can cull out things like the glider. I'll post photos once her room is all done. Her little headboard and footboard look like they are from the 60's and my mom found them painted off-white at a Goodwill. I meant to do some touch-ups but opted for a good cleaning for now.

Here is a side view of one of Roxanne's Christmas presents. It's a large wooden dollhouse. My mom spotted it at Goodwill while we were shopping, and it was only $6 for the house and a good bit of the pretty wooden furniture you see inside. I re-painted (including the chevron rug you see here...I couldn't help myself). The house was painted along the edges with dragonfly and flower stencils. Not really our style.

Another painted rug... These colors are the same pinks and reds I used to paint her dresser. Someday maybe we can actually fit the dollhouse into her room!

I could be wrong, but it feels like a home-made dollhouse. I love to think that a dedicated Dad built it for his little girl. It's very sturdy, and I actually like the sort of modern lines and the fact that it's kind of sparse inside.

Here she is looking at it on Christmas morning. This was one gift from Mama and Daddy, and not from Santa. Santa gifts were wrapped...

On an unrelated note, this is our improvised "den" in the basement. Our old IKEA futon, the old flokati, and some other useful pieces of furniture w had around. I know it's not exactly fabulous, but this area was being used just for storage, so it's nice to make it livable.

We haven't owned a TV in a number of years (although we watch internet TV and use Netflix on the computers; me moreso than Justin). This set was given to us by my bosses. They upgraded to a flat-screen, so were ready to give this one away. It's nice to angle it towards the elliptical so we can watch one of the eight or so free channels that we get through the digital cable box thingy. Maybe that will motivate me to use it more...